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Nkazi Miti

Education and Empowerment - That's How We Roll!

We love to motivate and empower youth with knowledge and the ability to use that knowledge practically. Through our educational programmes which we carry out at participating schools, we are able to achieve this.

Our first stop; HJ Kronenberg Primary School and Kenmere Primary School in Kensington., followed by a visit to Klipfontein Methodist Primary School in Phillipi where we teamed up with a group of Angels who sponsored school attire and goodies to over 400 primary school youth!

Thanks to the schools' leadership and openness of the community, we were able to carry out our Regenize Recycling Schools Lessons in the month of May. The lessons are aimed at educating the youth on how to recycle as well as give practical demonstrations as to the recycling process and its benefits.

The first lesson "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle". In this lesson we teach the youth about the "3-R's" of recycling with an emphasis on dry recyclables (i.e. paper, cardboard, tin, glass and plastic) among others. During each lesson, we share a lot with the youth around what it is to "reduce", to "reuse", and to "recycle".

The second lesson is always a 'mega-hit': "Recycling, The Regenize Way". We make it as fun as possible - and the youth love it! We focus on plastics, and take the youth through a practical demonstration of the life-cycle of a plastic item, from a used product, to a recycled item. The mini-shredder, Extruder and 3D Printer get enough "Wows" and excitement to make it almost impossible to end a lesson!

We will be back doing a few more school visits in the month of August and September, as we continue to make a positive impact on our school youth.

We just love what we do - and to share that with the schools and youth is just so awesome! Many thanks to the schools we have visited.

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